Looking into the nitty gritty of life in a different perpective.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

The time has come again for Hari Raya which is celebrated all over the world by Muslim ummah. After undergoing fasting for 30 days during the month of Ramadan, now it will be the time to greet the new year in the muslim calender for Syarwal. Therefore I would like to wish all Muslim ummah in Malaysia Happy New Year that will also be known as Aidil-fitri.

Malaysia being a multiethnic country will surely celebrate together as one. There will be no shortage of visitation among friends, colleagues, neighbour as well as kins and kilt. The central point being the gathering of 3-4 generations under one roof the night before Syarwal and on the morrow, there will be much seeking of forgiveness from the patriach of the family as well as distribution of green packet. This is the usual event where the children or those who are still singles are looking forward to.

For those who are currently making their mad dash back to their home town from all over, please drive carefully. It is better to arrive late rather being sorry later. Kudos too for the authority especially the police and the road and transport ministry for conducting a wonderful road safety program prior to this annual exodus. I hope this year dead toll will be much reduce.

Again let me wish all Muslim ummah a much cherrish Raya with your family.

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